Page Snyder

My name is Page Snyder and I’m 17 years old. I love to play bass and spend time with my friends and family. When I was 3 years old I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Quickly, I traded preschool for hospital visits and playing outside for chemo. Being so young, I had trouble understanding what was happening and had to mature very quickly. I received over 100 treatments of chemotherapy and spent majority of my time in the hospital. I was treated at Rainbow Babies and Children Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio and was given amazing care. Although I loved all of my nurses, no one ever talked about the long term mental
side effects.

Currently I am a senior in highschool and am excited to go off to college, but I have a tough time doing certain tasks, such as get a shot or smell rubbing alcohol. This past year, I was diagnosed with PTSD. Even though I have never been to war, I fought a war within myself at a very young age. Many hospitals and doctors are not sure what to do with this diagnosis and tend to ignore it. My goal is to bring awareness to the long-term mental side effects of cancer and that no matter how old you were at the age of diagnosis, it will impact you forever. By working with TCA, I hope to bring light into such a dark subject and to carry the memory of
those who lost their battle.